Comic Weekly 漫画周刊 581

Comic Weekly 漫画周刊 581

  • Product SKU: KOMIK-subCW#581
  • Category: Komik
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Comic Weekly 漫画周刊 581

With the longest history among publications of its kind in the country, Comic Weekly is the foremost best-selling chinese-language comic magazine that commands a large following among young comic fans. Its keeps Malaysian readers abreast with the latest comic releases on the international front; breaking down barriers in time, distance and boundaries – by assembling the most popular comics of the day from Japan the very moment they reach the market. These comics are also highly popular in Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong and Western countries. This magazine also shares computer gaming tips, entertainment and lifestyle news much sought-after by the target audience. All these advantages come together to make this a surefire channel to reach the teenage market.

#ComicWeekly #漫画周刊 #581